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He says I am an "Anarchist!"
And gosh! that makes me want to swear!
Why, if some foreign chap said half
That TEDDY says I'd pull his hair!
And that boy BRYAN, too, has hurt
My feelin's in their tendrest spot!
He says that as Republican,
I surely am a common lot!

I fear ma shadow in the sun,—
I'm such a coward,—and I plant
Ma hoof upon the poor man's neck,
And squirm from under that he can't!
Besides I'm "Plutocrat," he says,
And every gosh-darn thing that's base!
Why, if I was as mean as that,
I wouldn't look men in the face!

I'm gettin' mad! I won't be sassed!
Even by two of my best boys!
I raised them! praised them! helped them up!
Joined in their sorrows and their joys!
TEDDY was always a good boy!
Though fond of gab he had his charm,
But though he ran up San Juan Hill
He ain't agoin' to run my farm!