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to a bereaved friend.
It was the hand in love's devotion given,
When first she stood thy young and trustful bride,—
The hand which led thy children on to heaven,—
'T was hers who lived, joyed, suffered by thy side.

Yet there were stars in holy brightness shining
Down on the midnight path which thou hast trod;
Didst thou not see her meekly earth resigning,
And leaning on the bosom of her God?

She hath not left thee wholly broken-hearted;—
Was it not thine to watch her latest breath?
To print upon her lips, ere she departed,
The seal of love, the good-night kiss of death?

And thou didst see no stranger hand composing
Her fair limbs in the attitude of sleep;
Severing her tresses, and the fringed lids closing
O'er those dark eyes which now have ceased to weep

And though thy Mary walks in highest heaven.
Ye were knit soul to soul, as heart to heart;
The love to light your earthly pathway given
Was of that heaven to which she rose a part.