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to a bereaved friend.
She placed her earthly being in thy keeping;
When thou art anguished, can she be at rest?
Will she not feel the tears which thou art weeping,
Like swift rain falling on her angel breast?

And will she not, while now "the new song" learning,
Amid its pauses hear thy mournful sighs?
Will she not feel a vain and painful yearning
To bear thee peace and comfort from the skies?

Then mourn no more,—'t will sadden her in glory
To know how ceaselessly flow forth thy tears;
And she will tell the angels the sad story,
How she hath left thee in thy night of years,—

A lone, despairing, broken-hearted mourner,
For one dear presence evermore to pine;
And they will grieve that they should thus have borne her,
Even to heaven, from such a love as thine.