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He has wander'd far in the dusky shade,
"Would my love were at my side,
No fair word has she given to me,
Now would that I had died."

The pale, pale sky bent overhead
As he stepp'd from the wood,
And white against the dark, dark copse
A wonder where he stood:

A lady, white as the shining moon,
No dress nor shoe had she,
Close follow'd by a mounted knight
Whom she did ever flee;
And ever as she fled before
As swiftly on came he;

And ever in her panting flight
Two hounds leapt there along.
They have torn the flesh of her white, white side
And bath'd each eager tongue.

The knight has come to the lady's side,
She has fallen on her knee.
Now: "Mercy, mercy, for your past love
Take not my heart from me."

The knight has lifted his heavy sword,
The hounds fret at her side;
Anastasius starts from his bitter trance
And: "Hold, Sir Knight!" he has cried.