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"It were great wrong to slay a man
Naked and fallen as she;
Now shame, Sir Knight, to chase as prey
A delicate, fair lady!"

He has taken a stick of the sturdy oak
And to part them he is fain.
"Let be, let be, and thou shalt see
Thy mercy is in vain.

"Hear first my tale that I will tell,
A tale that fiends would move:
This lady when we liv'd on earth
Did scorn my too great love.

"My all I spent to give to her
What man can think to give,
But such her cruelty to me
Man could not bear and live;
With this same sword I took my life,
And Heaven let her not live.

"Let be, let be, and thou shalt see
What Heaven has order'd so:
My love is turn'd to bitter hate,
Ah me, a greater woe!
And she that scorn'd my love before
Would have it now I trow."