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The loveliest tints that Nature hath
Were blent and concentrated
Around one bright, sequestered path,
Wherein I walked, elated.

The maples and the beeches tried
To prove each other duller,
And lent to all the mountain side
Luxuriance of color.

The sumacs, in their scarlet hoods,
Stood proudly up, defying
The tallest monarch of the woods,
All gorgeous, in their dying.

The ivy, clinging to the oak,
Looked down, serenely blushing.
And though no sound the silence broke,
I marked her hectic flushing.

The leaves, that rustled to my tread,
Glanced up but to discover
Bright tints of gold, and brown, and red,
In branches bending over.

Such beauties all a hand bespeak
With heavenly skill acquainted;
The hand that gives the rose's cheek
Its hue, divinely painted.