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May wondrous Nature long retain
The glories that enrobe her,
And chill November not disdain
To emulate October.

A Keepsake.
With treasures so dear that words cannot portray
How much of my life they enfold,
Are two silver dollars, safe hidden away,
More precious than jewels or gold,
In the innermost space of an odorous drawer,
In the labyrinth haunts of my escritoire.

If thousands of others just like them were mine,
Bright disks of the currency art,
Like beautiful offerings laid on a shrine,
I 'd solemnly keep them apart,
As sacred to one, whose beneficent hand
More bountiful was than I dared to demand.

I argued one day how much butter and bread
They would buy—it was only a whim—
For then I remembered the donor, and said
I 'd keep them—mementoes of him.
Oh, may he live long and prosperity know,
And Earth for his sake wear her loveliest glow!