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Then, sweet Religion soar'd to heaven again,
Lest her white garments should imbibe a stain;
Justice and Mercy fled the human mind,
And dove-like Peace no resting place could find;
Fair Truth no longer could on earth reside;
But Pity, ling'ring still near those who died,
With hands uprais'd, and tearful speaking eye,
Implor'd stern Fortitude not yet to fly;
Whilst thou, sweet Spirit! bending from on high,
Beheld thy slaughter'd children bleeding lie:
Their guardian angel pass'd through heaven's gate,
Proclaim'd aloud their faith, and hapless fate;
And as he render'd human frailties in,
The tears of Mercy bleach'd the page of sin.
Th' avenging Spirit heard, and flew to tell,
While echoing notes with tenfold strength did swell,
How perish'd Latimer—how Cranmer fell!
Then, charg'd with secret mission from the height,
Back on the rolling clouds he wing'd his flight,