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In that pierced palm of Thine.
My drooping head, Lord, shelter
Upon Thy loving breast;
Thy presence must go with me—
Wilt Thou not give me rest?

I sat me in the desert
That dreary day alone,
Counting life's cherished promise
Of bud and beauty gone.
In my spirit's deep recesses
A still small voice I heard—
"Better for thee, beloved,
The withering of thy gourd.

"My hand in love bestowed it,
To cheer thy desert way;
I will not let My blessing
Thy trusting heart betray.
Behold, the bower I build thee
No east wind e'er can blight;
My wings shall be thy shadow;
My love thy soul's delight.

"It was My hand, beloved one,
That trained thy sheltering gourd;
The sun scorched at My bidding,
The wind obeyed My word.
'Twas I prepared in secret