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The worm thou couldst not see,
To bear thy Master's message
In tenderness to thee.

"Peace, peace! I know thy sorrows,
Thy faithfulness I prove;
My hand hath weighed thy losses
In the balance of my love.
Cast down, but not forsaken,
Despair not, though distrest:
My presence hath been with thee,
And I will give thee rest.

"Behold a Plant whose beauty
No scorching breath hath fanned!
A great Bock casts its shadow
In this dry and thirsty land:
The Rock endures for ever
The shock of storm and wave;
And the Branch of thy green bower
Pose from a garden grave."

Ear could not hear the answer
To my low smothered moan;
Eye hath not seen the rapture
Beheld by One alone.
A shadow, in that noontide,
Deeper and deeper grew;
Like healing balm the whisper
Fell on my heart like dew.