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I cried, 'God's blessing on them,
What a favored band they be!
But I'll watch upon the highway,
God may find a work for me.'"

"Yet you tarry, yet you tarry,"
Said the laborer again;
"You may idle on the highway,
And wait all day in vain.
'Tis easy labor—'watching':
On the dusty road we tread
To toil within the vineyard:
Go out and work instead."

The watcher smiled and answered,
"My brother, is it so?
Who waiteth on the Master,
The Master's will shall know.
He hath taught me one sweet lesson,
I have learnt it not too late,—
There is service for the feeblest,
Who only stand and wait.

"I sat me by the hedge-row,
No burden could I bear,
But 'Oh,' I thought, 'how blessed
In the field to have a share!'