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The loving Master whispered,
Through the often lonely day,
'Still wait on Me, thou weak one;
The lame shall take the prey.'

"Not long I tarried watching:
A wayfarer drew nigh,
He was weary, sad, and hungry,
For the glowing sun was high;
His foot lagged faint and fainter,
His eyes were downward cast:
That laborer by my lattice
At early morn had passed.

"I drew him 'neath the trellis
Of the vine's inviting shade,
Down by the soft green pasture
Our Shepherd's love hath made.
I brought him, from the streamlet,
Fresh water for his feet;
I spread the bread before him,
And bade him rest and eat.

"He bathed in the bright fountain,
And then, refreshed and strong,
He journeyed on rejoicing,
And rejoiced me by his song.