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Appletons' Catalogue of Valuable Publications.



Of Thomas Campbell. Illustrated with a fine Portrait and several hansome Steel Engravings. One vol., 16mo. (In Press.)


Translated by Alexander Pope. Embellished with numerous Engravings from Flaxman's Designs. One elegant printed vol , 16mo. (In press.)

This will be the only American edition of this standard classic published in a handsome style. The typography and illustrations are of the best description.

hemans.—the complete poetical works

Of Felicia Hemans, printed from the last English edition, edited by her Sister. Illustrated with six Steel Engravings. Two beautifully-printed and portable volumes, 16mo., $2,50.

"Of this highly accomplished poetess it has been truly said, that of all her sex 'few have written so much and so well.' Although her writings possess an energy equal to their high-toned beauty, yet are they so pure and so refined, that not a line of them could feeling spare or delicacy blot from her pages. Her imagination was rich, chaste, and glowing. Her chosen themes are the cradle, the hearth-stone, and the death-bed. In her poems of Coeur de Lion, Ferdinand of Aragon, and Bernard del Carpio, we see beneath the glowing colors with which she clothes her ideas, the feelings of a woman's heart. Her earlier poems. Records of Woman and Forest Sanctuary, stand unrivalled. In short, her works will ever be read by a pious and enlightened community."

HEMANS.—SONGS OF THE AFFECTIONS. By Felicia Hemans. One vol., 32mo., gilt, 31 cts. Forming one of the series of "Miniature Classical Library."

lewis.—records of the heart.

By Sarah Anna Lewis. One volume, 12mo., $1,00.

"We have read some of the pieces with much pleasure. They indicate poetic genius of no ordinary kind, and are imbued with much feeling and pathos. We welcome the volume as a creditable accession to the poetic literature of the country.—Boston Traveller.


By William W. Lord. 12mo., illuminated cover, 75 cts.

Extract of a late private Letter from Mr. Wordsworth, the venerable Poet-laureate of England, to the Rt. Rev. Bishop Doane, of New-Jersey:

"I have to thank you for several specimens of the abilities of a young poet, (Mr. Lord,) which seem to me of high promise. They are full of deep emotion, and not wanting in vigorous and harmonious versification."


Of Thomas Moore, beautifully printed in clear legible type, in exact imitation of the recent corrected London Edition. Illustrated with numerous fine Steel Engravings and an elegantly-engraved Portrait of the Author. One volume, 8vo.

This is the first complete American edition of this standard poet, published in a handsome and enduring form.

"Happiness of nature arid felicity of genius are the pre-eminent characteristics of the bard of Erin. Everything lives, moves, and speaks in his poetry. His thoughts are as many and as bright as the insects that people the sun's beam. He exhausts by being inexhaustible."—Hazlitt

"Thomas Moore has unquestionably attained the highest reputation as a lyric poet. In grace, both of thought and diction, in easy fluent wit, in melody, in brilliancy of fancy, in warmth and depth of sentiment, no one is superior to Moore; his celebrated oriental romance "Lalla Rookh," the four tales to which and the frame-work which unites them have been compared, in the 'Edinburgh Review,' to four beautiful pearls joined together by a thread of silk and gold."


By Thomas Moore, with the original prefatory Letter on Music, from the 13th London edition. Miniature volume, price 38 cts. Forming a portion of the uniform series of "Miniature Classical Library."


An Original Romance. By Thomas Moore. One volume, 32mo., frontispiece, cloth gilt. 38 cts. Forming a portion of the series of "Miniature Classical Library."

This exquisite Poem has long been the admiration of readers of all classes.