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Appletons' Catalogue of Valuable Publications.



Of John Milton, with Explanatory Notes and a Life of the Author, by the Rev. Henry Stebbing, A.M . Illustrated with six Steel Engravings. One volume, 16mo., $1,25. Forming one of the series of "Cabinet Edition of Standard Poets."

The Latin and Italian Poems are included in this edition.

Mr. Stebbing's Notes will be found very useful in elucidating the learned allusions with which the text abounds, and they are also valuable for the correct appreciation with which the writer directs attention to the beauties of the author.

MILTON—PARADISE LOST. By John Milton. With Notes, by Rev. H . Stebbing. One volume, 18mo., cloth 33 cts., gilt leaves 50 cents.


By John Milton. With Notes, by Rev. H . Stebbing, One volume, 18mo., cloth 25 cts., gilt leaves 38 cents.


By Robert Pollok. With a Life of the Author, and complete Analytical Index, prepared expressly for this edition. 32mo., frontispiece, 38 cts. Forming one of the series of "Miniature Classical Library."

Few modern Poems exist which at once attained such acceptance and celebrity as this.

POPE.—THE complete POETICAL WORKS Of Alexander Pope, elegantly printed. Illustrated with a fine Portrait and numerous Engravings. One volume, 16mo. (In press.)

"As a poet, it may be said of him, that no English writer has carried farther correctness of versification, strength and splendour of diction, and the truly poetical quality of adorning every subject that he touched."—Edinburgh Review.


The Iliad and Odyssey of Homer. Translated by Alexander Pope. A beautitifully-printed edition, illustrated with Engravings from Flaxman's designs, 16mo (In press)

Criticism has long awarded Pope's version of "The Iliad and Odyssey" to be the best ever given of this immortal work.


Of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Containing Lay of the Last Minstrel, Marmion, Lady of the Lake, Don Roderick, Rokeby, Ballads, Lyrics, and Songs, with a Life of the Author. Illustrated with six Steel Engravings. One volume, 16mo., $1,25.

SCOTT.—lady of the LAKE:

A Poem. By Sir Walter Scott. One volume, 18mo., frontispiece, cloth 38 cents, gilt edges 50 cents.


A Tale of Flodden Field. By Sir Walter Scott. One volume, IBmo., frontispiece, cloth 33 cents, gilt edges 50 cents.

SCOTT—LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL: A Poem. By Sir Walter Scott. One volume, ISmo., frontispiece, cloth 25 cts. , gilt edges 38 cents. "Walter Scott is the most popular of all the poets of the present day, and deservedly so. He describes that which is most easily and generally understood with more vivacity and effect than any other writer. His style is clear, flowing, and transparent; his sentiments, of which his style is an easy and natural medium, are common to him with his readers."—Hazlitt.


A Poem. By James Thomsox One volume, 32mo., cloth, gilt leaves, 38 cents Forming one of the series of "Miniature Classical Library."

"Place 'The Seasons' in any light, and the poem appears faultless."—S. C. Hall