Page:Poems of Anne Countess of Winchilsea 1903.djvu/216

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78 THE POEMS OF ANNE �Now to secure me from your skillfull sight �In borrow'd caracters disguis'd I write 10 �Nor dare my hand or meaner stile expose �Without a Verse, aw'd by your smoother Prose. �But shelter'd in an Art unlearn'd as yett �Take this aduantage of your growing witt, �To trust to Numbers e're you know their faults �The strange delight of your Ardelia's thoughts. �When I with sweet surprise that Letter view'd �Which to myself such welcome favour shew'd �Who yett cou'd scarcely take itt for a truth �That such perfection came from so much youth 20 �And that Arminda shou'd not only give �Those Graces to her Race which in her Hue �But thus deriues her ornamental parts �Whil'st you inheritt her acquired Arts �And from you Madam now we look to see �Lines fine and finish'd to the same degree �As those Her favour oft conferr's on mee. �Yours too apply'd to me do also seem �To spring from the rich stock of her esteem �As if all those her wisdom condescends 30 �To make her own must be Serena's Friends. �And by such gentle and engaging bands �Resign their hearts to your alluring hands. �Mine I submitt but great and louely Maid! �Remember when that Tribute I haue paid �That not your Station nor each ripen' d Charm �Th' admiring world which shall about you swarm, �The gifts of Fortune equal to your Birth, �My sinking Spirits or your prosperous Mirth, �Nor the vast distance betwixt Youth and Age, 40 �Must from this happy kindnesse disengage. �So loues Arminda where she once has lou'd, ��� �