Page:Poems of Anne Countess of Winchilsea 1903.djvu/217

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COUNTESS OF WINCHILSEA ���79 ���So your great Father whom her charms had mou'd �Has this to all his steadfast virtues joyn'd �That still that Loue adorns his constant mind. �Your Friendship Madam now your Pen declares �In sense and caracters beyond your years �Which first dear pledge shall in my hand remain �A lasting Honour whil'st I life retain �Whose utmost Date shall find you still possest 50 �Of what those Lines haue grafted in my breast �Whil'st none that your Ardelia cou'd command �Ere fill'd my paper or employ'd my hand �To such advantage as these closing few �Owning what is so rightfully their due �My self a servant to the Tuftons name �And sharer in their Joyes for your encreasing Fame. �A POEM FOR THE BIRTH-DAY OF THE RIGHT HON BLE THE LADY CATHARINE TUFTON �Occasion'd by sight of some Verses upon that Subject for the preceding Year, compos'd by no Eminent Hand �'Tis fit SERENA shou'd be sung. High-born SERENA, Fair and Young, Shou'd be of ev'ry Muse and Voice The pleasing, and applauded Choice. But as the Meanest of the Show Do First in all Processions go: So, let my Steps pursue that Swain The humblest of th' inspired Train; Whose well-meant Verse did just appear, To lead on the preceding Year: 10 �So let my Pen, the next in Fame, Now wait on fair SERENA'S Name; The second Tribute gladly pay, And hail this blest returning Day. ��� �