Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/102

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Poems on
Guardian of England! born to scourge her Foes,
Speak, and thy Word gives half the World Repose;
Sink down, ye Hills, eternal Rocks subside,
Vanish ye Forts, thou Ocean drain thy Tide,
We Safety boast, defended by thy Fame,
And Armies—in the Terrour of thy Name!
Now fix o'er Anna's Throne thy Victor Blade,
War be thou chain'd! ye Streams of Blood be stay'd!
Tho' wild Ambition her just Vengeance feels,
She wars to save, and where she strikes, she heals.

So Pallas with her Javelin smote the Ground,
And peaceful Olives flourish'd from the Wound.
