Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/103

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Several Occasions.

To the Right Honourable

Charles Lord Cornwallis,

Baron of Eye, Warden, Chief Justice, and Justice in Eyre of all His Majesty's Forests, Chases, Parks and Warrens on the South Side of Trent.

————δῶρον τοι τοῦτο δίδωμι
Μνῆμα.————Lib. 15. Odyssey.

O Thou whose Virtues sanctify thy State,
O Great, without the Vices of the Great!
Form'd by a Dignity of Mind to please,
To think, to act with Elegance and Ease!
Say, wilt thou listen while I tune the String,
And sing to thee, who gav'st me ease to sing?
