Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/11

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This, my Lord, is but a faint Picture of the Place of your Retire, which no one ever enjoy'd more elegantly: no Part of your Life lies heavy upon you, there is no uneasy Vacancy in it; 'tis all fill'd up with Study, Exercise, or polite Amusement: here you shine in the most agreeable, tho' not most strong and dazling Light: In your public Station you commanded Admiration and Honour, in your private, you attract Love and Esteem: The nobler Parts of your Life will be the Subject of the Historian, and the Actions of the great Statesman and Patriot, will adorn many Pages of our future Annals: but the affectionate Father, the indulgent Master, the condescending and benevo-lent