Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/10

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The subject Regions, and commands the Charms
Of many a pleasing Landskip, to the Eye
Delightful Change! here Groves of loftiest Shade
Wave their proud Tops, and form of stateliest View
A sylvan Theater! while Nature's Hand
Pours forth profuse, o'er Hill, o'er Vale, o'er Lawn
Her choicest Blessings: See! where yonder Lake
Spreads its wide liquid Plain: now stands unmov'd
Pure as th' Expanse of Heav'n, and Heav'n reflects
From its broad-glitt'ring Mirrour; now with Waves
Curl'd gently by the Breeze, salutes the Flow'rs
That grace its Banks! in state the snowy Swans
Arch their proud Necks, and Fowls of various Plume
Innum'rous, native or exotic, cleave
The dancing Wave! While o'er th' adjoining Lawns
Obverted to the Southern Suns, the Deer
Wide-spreading graze, or starting bound away
In Crouds, then turning, silent stand, and gaze!
Such are thy Beauties, Rainham, such the Haunts
Of Angels, in primæval guiltless Days,
When Man imparadis'd convers'd with God.
