Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/9

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enjoy Age in Peace and Tranquillity: this last Action speaks you truly great, for that Person who by a voluntary Retreat, could industriously renounce all the Grandure of the World, must evidently have a Soul above it.

Tully in his Tusculum was never more happy, than the Lord Townshend in his Rainham,

————Where majestically plain
Pure Nature reigns, where varied Views from Views
Diffusive Prospects yield[1]: here shagg'd with Woods,
Here rich with Harvest, and there white with Flocks,
And all the gay Horizon smiles around
Full of thy Genius! Lo! between yon Groves
The Dome with easy Grandure, like the Soul
Of its great Master, rising overlooks

  1. See Mr. Thomson's excellent Poems.