Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/121

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Several Occasions.
Nor till the Volumes of th' expanded Sky
Blaze in one Flame, shalt Thou and Homer die;
When sink together in the World's last Fires
What Heav'n created, and what Heav'n inspires.

If aught on Earth, when once this Breath is fled,
With human Transport touch the mighty Dead;
Shakespear rejoice! his Hand thy Page refines,
Now every Scene with native Brightness shines;
Just to thy Fame, he gives thy genuine Thought,
So Tully publish'd what Lucretius wrote;
Prun'd by his Care, thy Laurels loftier grow,
And bloom afresh on thy immortal Brow.

Thus when thy Draughts, O Raphael, Time invades,
And the bold Figure from the Canvas fades;
A rival Hand recalls from every part
Some latent Grace, and equals Art with Art;
