Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/122

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Poems on
Transported we survey the dubious Strife,
While the fair Image starts again to Life.

How long untun'd had Homer's sacred Lyre
Jarr'd grating Discord, all extinct his Fire?
This you beheld; and taught by Heav'n to sing,
Call'd the loud Music from the sounding String;
Now wak'd from Slumbers of three thousand Years,
Once more Achilles in dread Pomp appears,
Tow'rs o'er the Field of Death; as fierce he turns,
Keen flash his Arms, and all the Hero burns;
His Plume nods horrible, his Helm on high
With Cheeks of Iron glares against the Sky;
With martial Stalk, and more than mortal Might,
He strides along, he meets the Gods in fight;
Then the pale Titans, chain'd on burning Flores,
Start at the Din that rends th' infernal Shores;
