Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/123

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Several Occasions.
Tremble the Tow'rs of Heav'n; Earth rocks her Coasts,
And gloomy Pluto shakes with all his Ghosts.
To every Theme responds thy various Lay,
Here pours a Torrent, there Mæanders play;
Sonorous as the Storm thy Numbers rise,
Toss the wild Waves, and thunder in the Skies;
Or softer than a yielding Virgin's Sigh,
The gentle Breezes breathe away, and die.
How twangs the Bow, when with a jarring Spring
The whizzing Arrows vanish from the String?
When Giants strain some Rock's vast Weight to shove,
The slow Verse heaves, and the clogg'd Words scarce move;
But when from high it rolls, with many a bound,
Jumping it thundringwhirls, and rushes to the Ground:
Swift flows the Verse when winged Lightnings fly,
Dart from the dazled View, and flash along the Sky:
