Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/124

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Poems on
Thus like the radiant God who sheds the Day,
The Vale you paint, or gild the azure Way;
And while with every Theme the Verse complies,
Sink, without groveling, without rashness, rise.

Proceed, great Bard, awake th' harmonious String,
Be ours all Homer, still Ulysses sing!
Ev'n I the meanest of the Muses Train,
Inflam'd by thee, attempt a nobler Strain;
Advent'rous waken the [1]Mæonian Lyre,
Tun'd by your Hand, and sing as you inspire;
So arm'd by Great Achilles for the Fight,
Patroclus conquer'd in Achilles' Might;
Like theirs our Friendship! and I boast my Name
To thine united, for thy Friendship's Fame.

How long Ulysses, by unskilful Hands
Stript of his Robes, a Beggar trod our Lands,


  1. The Author translated eight Books of the Odyssey.