Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/125

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Several Occasions.
Such as he wander'd o'er his native Coast,
Shrunk by the [1]Wand, and all the Hero lost;
O'er his smooth Skin a Bark of Wrinkles spread,
Old Age disgrac'd the Honours of his Head;
Nor longer in his heavy Eye-ball shin'd
The Glance divine forth-beaming from the Mind:
But you, like Pallas, every Limb infold
With royal Robes, and bid him shine in Gold;
Touch'd by your Hand his manly Frame improves
With Air divine, and like a God he moves.

This Labour past, of heav'nly Subjects sing,
While hovering Angels listen on the Wing;
To hear from Earth such heart-felt Raptures rise,
As when they sing, suspended hold the Skies:
Or nobly rising in fair Virtue's Cause,
From thy own Life transcribe th' unerring Laws;


  1. See the 16th Odyssey, V. 186, and 476.