Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/145

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Several Occasions.
Of Greece in Arms, and to Imperial Thebes
Bore Terms of Peace; but as from haughty Thebes
Alone he journey'd, Deeds, heroic Deeds
His Arm atchiev'd, for Tydeus was thy Care:
Thus guard his Offspring, O! stern Queen of Arms,
So shall an Heifer on thy Altars bleed
Young and untam'd, to thee her Blood I pour,
And point her lunar Horns with burnish'd Gold.

Thus pray the Chiefs, and Pallas hears their Pray'r;
Then like two Lions thro' the Shades of Night,
Dauntless they stride along; and hold their way
Thro' Blood, and mangled Limbs, o'er Arms and Death.
[1]Nor pass they far, e'er the sagacious Eye
Of Ithacus discerns a distant Foe
Coasting from Troy, and thus to Diomed.


  1. V. 339.