Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/144

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Poems on
Grinn'd horrible; thus arm'd, away they stalk
Undaunted: o'er their Heads the Martial Maid
Sends on the Right an Her'n; the ambient Gloom
Conceals him from the View, but loud in Air
They hear the Clangor of his sounding Wings.
Joyful the prosp'rous Sign Ulysses hail'd,
And thus to Pallas; Offspring of dread Jove,
Who hurls the burning Bolts: O Guardian Pow'r
Present in all my Toils, who view'st my way
Where'er I move, now thy Cœlestial Aid,
Now Goddess lend, may Deeds this Night adorn,
Deeds that all Troy may weep; may we return
In safety by thy Guidance, heav'nly Maid.

Tydides caught the Word, and O! he cries,
Virgin armipotent, now grant thy Aid
As to my Sire! he by the gulphy Flood
Of deep Æsopus left th' embattled Bands
