Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/75

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Several Occasions.
Deny me Grandeur, Heav'n; but Goodness grant!
A King is less illustrious than a Saint:
Hail, holy Virtue! come thou heav'nly Guest,
Come, fix thy pleasing Empire in my Breast!
Thou know'st her Influence, Friend! thy chearful Mien
Proclaims the Innocence and Peace within;
Such Joys as none but Sons of Virtue know,
Shine in thy Face, and in thy Bosom glow.

So when the holy Mount the Prophet trod,
And talk'd familiar as a Friend with God;
Cæleftial Radiance every Feature shed,
And ambient Glories dawn'd around his Head.

Sure what th' unthinking Great mistaken call
Their Happiness, is Folly, Folly all!
