Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/74

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Poems on
And Critics, byass'd by mistaken Rules,
Like Turkish Zealots, reverence none but Fools.
But Praise from such injurious Tongues is Shame,
They rail the happy Author into Fame;
Thus Phœbus thro' the Zodiac takes his way,
And rises amid [1]Monsters into Day:
Oh Vileness of Mankind! when writing well
Becomes a Crime, and Danger to excel!
With noble Scorn, my Friend, such Insults sees,
And flies from Towns to Wilds, from Men to Trees.

Free from the Lust of Wealth, and glittering Snares,
That make th' unhappy Great in love with Cares,
Me humble Joys in calm Retirement please,
A silent Happiness, and learned Ease,


  1. —————bissenis una figuris
    Monstra vehit.————St. p. 429.

    Mr. Addison speaking of the Signs of the Zodiac, calls them starry Monsters. Mr. Cowley, radiant Monsters, &c.