Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/93

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Several Occasions.
Earth floats with Blood, while spreading Flames arise
From Palaces, and Domes, and kindle half the Skies.

Thus terribly in Air the Comets roul,
And shoot malignant Gleams from Pole to Pole;
'Tween Worlds and Worlds they move, and from their Hair
Shake the blue Plague, the Pestilence, and War.

But who is he, who stern bestrides the Plain,
Who drives triumphant o'er huge Hills of Slain?
Serene, while Engines from the hostile Tow'r
Rain from their brazen Mouths an iron Show'r?
While turbid fiery Smoke obscures the Day,
Hews thro' the deathful Breach his desp'rate way?
Sure Jove descending joins the Martial Toil,
Or is it Marlbro', or the Great Argyle?
