Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/94

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Poems on
Thus when the Grecians, furious to destroy,
Levell'd the Structures of Imperial Troy;
Here angry [1]Neptune hurl'd his vengeful Mace,
There Jove o'erturn'd it from its inmost Base;
Tho' brave, yet vanquish'd, she confess'd the odds,
Her Sons were Heroes, but they fought with Gods.

Ah! what new Horrours rise? in deep Array
The Squadrons form! aloft the Standards play!
The Captains draw the Sword! on every Brow
Determin'd Valour low'rs! the Trumpets blow!
See! the brave Briton delves the cavern'd Ground
Thro' the hard Entrails of the stubborn Mound!
And undismay'd by Death, the Foe invades
Thro' dreadful Horrours of infernal Shades!


  1. Neptunus muros, magnoque emota tridenti
    Fundamenta quatit, &c.Virg. Æn.