Page:Poems on Several Occasions - Broome (1739, 2nd edition).djvu/99

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Several Occasions.
I see proud Victors in triumphal Cars,
Chiefs, Kings, and Heroes, seam'd with glorious Scars!
Or listen till the raptur'd Soul takes Wings,
While Plato reasons, or while Homer sings.

Charm me, [1]ye sacred Leaves, with loftier Themes,
With opening Heav'ns, and Angels robe'd in Flames:
Ye restless Passions, while I read, be aw'd!
Hail ye mysterious Oracles of God!
Here I behold how Infant Time began,
How the Dust mov'd and quicken'd into Man;
Here thro' the flow'ry Walks of Eden rove,
Court the soft Breeze, or range the spicy Grove;
There tread on hallow'd Ground where Angels trod,
And Rev'rend Patriarchs talk'd as Friends with God;
Or hear the Voice to slumbring Prophets giv'n,
Or gaze on Visions from the Throne of Heav'n.


  1. The Holy Scriptures.