Page:Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral.djvu/28

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Great God, incomprehenſible, unknown
By ſenſe, we bow at thine exalted throne.
O, while we beg thine excellence to feel,
Thy ſacred Spirit to our hearts reveal,20
And give us of that mercy to partake,
Which thou haſt promis'd for the Saviour's ſake!

"Sewell is dead." Swift-pinion'd Fame thus cry'd.
"Is Sewell dead," my trembling tongue reply'd,
O what a bleſſing in his flight deny'd!25
How oft for us the holy prophet pray'd!
How oft to us the Word of Life convey'd!
By duty urg'd my mournful verſe to cloſe,
I for his tomb this epitaph compoſe.

"Lo, here a man, redeem'd by Jeſus's blood,30
"A ſinner once, but now a ſaint with God;
"Behold ye rich, ye poor, ye fools, ye wiſe,
"Nor let his monument your heart ſurprize;
"'Twill tell you what this holy man has done,
"Which gives him brighter luſtre than the ſun.
