Page:Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral.djvu/29

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"Liſten, ye happy, from your ſeats above.
"I ſpeak ſincerely, while I ſpeak and love,
"He ſought the paths of piety and truth,
"By theſe made happy from his early youth!
"In blooming years that grace divine he felt,40
"Which reſcues ſinners from the chains of guilt.
"Mourn him, ye indigent, whom he has fed,
"And henceforth ſeek, like him, for living bread;
"Ev'n Chriſt, the bread deſcending from above,
"And aſk an int'reſt in his ſaving love.45
"Mourn him, ye youth, to whom he oft has told
"God's gracious wonders from the times of old.
"I, too have cauſe this mighty loſs to mourn,
"For he my monitor will not return.
"O when ſhall we to his bleſt ſtate arrive?50
"When the ſame graces in our boſoms thrive."
