Page:Poems upon Several Occasions.djvu/15

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Poems upon several Occasions.

As when the Goddesses came down of old
On Ida’s Hill, so many Ages told,
With Gifts their young Dardanian Judge they try’d,
And each bad high to win him to her Side;
So tempt they him, and æmulously vie
To bribe a Voice that Empires wou’d not buy;
With Balls and Banquets his pleas’d Sense they bait,
And Queens and Kings upon his Pleasure wait.

Th’ imperial Judge surveys, with vast Delight,
All that the Sun surrounds of Fair and Bright,
Then, strictly just, he, with adoring Eyes,
To radiant Esté gives the famous Prize.
Of Antique Stock, her high Descent she brings,
Born to renew the Race of Britain’s Kings,
Who cou’d deserve, like Her, in whom we see
United, all that Paris found in Three?
O Equal Pair! when both were set above
All other Merit, but each other’s Love.

Welcome, Bright Princess, to Great Britain’s Shore;
As Berecynthia to high Heav’n, who bore
That shining Race of Goddesses and Gods
Who rul’d the World, and fill’d the blest Abodes;
From thee, my Muse expects as noble Themes.
Another Mars and Jove, another James,
Our future Hopes all from thy Womb arise,
Our present Joy and Safety from your Eyes;
