Page:Poems upon Several Occasions.djvu/16

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Poems upon several Occasions.

Those charming Eyes that shine, to reconcile,
To Harmony and Peace, our stubborn Isle:
On brazen Memnon, Phœbus casts a Ray,
And the tough Metal so salutes the Day.

The British Dame, fam’d for resistless Grace,
Contends not now, but for the second Place;
Our Love suspended, we neglect the Fair
For whom we burn’d, to gaze adoring here:
So sang the Syrens, with enchanting Sound,
Enticing all to listen and be drown’d,
’Till Orpheus ravish’d in a nobler Strain,
They ceas’d to sing, or singing charm’d in vain.

This blest Alliance, Peterborough, may
Th’ indebted Nation bounteously repay;
Thy Statues, for the Genius of our Land,
With Palm adorn’d, on ev’ry Threshold stand.
