Page:Poems upon Several Occasions.djvu/17

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Poems upon several Occasions.
Spoken by the Author, being then but
Twelve Years of Age, to her Royal
Highness the
Dutchess of York,
at Trinity-College in Cambridge.

WHEN join'd in One, the Good, the Fair, the Great,
Descend to view the Muses humble Seat,
Tho' in mean Lines they their vast Joys declare,
Yet for Sincerity and Truth, they dare
With your own Tasso's mighty self compare.

Then, bright and merciful as Heav’n, receive
From them such Praises, as to Heav’n they give,
Their Praises for that gentle Influence,
Which those auspicious Lights, your Eyes, dispense.
Those radiant Eyes, whose irresistless Fame
Strikes Envy dumb, and keeps Sedition tame:
They can to gazing Multitudes give Law,
Convert the Factious, and the Rebel awe:
They conquer for the Duke; where-e'er you tread,
Millions of Proselytes behind are led,
Thro' Crowds of new-made Converts still you go,
Pleas'd and triumphant at the glorious Show!

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