Page:Poems upon Several Occasions.djvu/195

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The British Enchanters.

Why am I then of Hope abandon'd quite?
There is a Cure——I'd ask it——if I might.
Forgive me, Brother, if I pry too far;
I've learnt—my Rival is your Pris'ner here;
If that be true——

Arcal. What thence wou'd you infer?

Arcab. What but her Death——When Amadis is free
From Hopes of her, there may be Hope for me.

Arcal. Thou Cloud to his bright Juno! Fool, shall lie
Who has lov'd her, ever descend to thee?

Arcab. Much vainer Fool art thou; where are those Charms
That are to tempt a Princess to thy Arms?
Thou Vulcan to Oriana's Mars.

Arcal. But yet,
This Vulcan has that Mars within his Net.
Your Counsel comes too late, for 'tis decreed,
To make the Woman sure, the Man shall bleed.

[Exit Arcalaus surlily.

Arcab. First perish thou, Earth, Air, and Seas and Sky,
Confounded in one Heap of Chaos lie,
And ev'ry other living Creature die.
I burn, I burn; the Storm that's in my Mind
Kindles my Heart, like Fires provok'd by Wind:
Love and Resentment, Wishes and Disdain,
Blow all at once, like Winds that plough the Main.
