Page:Poems upon Several Occasions.djvu/196

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The British Enchanters.

Furies, Alecto, aid my just Design:
But if, averse to Mercy, you decline
The pious Task, assist me, Pow'rs divine;
Just Gods, and thou their King, Imperial Jove,
Strike whom you please, but save the Man I love.[Exit.

The SCENE changes to a pleasant Garden, Oriana
sitting in a Bower at the lower Part of the scene, list'ning
to soft Musick. Arcalaus enters bowing respectfully; she
rises; they advance slowly towards the Stage in mute
Discourse, 'till the Musick ceases.

Arcal. Of Freedom lost, unjustly you complain,
Born to command, where-e'er you come, you reign;
No Fetters here you wear, but others bind,
And not a Prison, but an Empire find.

Ori. Death I expect, and I desire it too,
'Tis all the Mercy to be wish'd from you.
To die is to be free: Oh let me find
A speedy Death; that Freedom wou'd be kind.

Arcal. Too cruel to suspect such Ills were meant,
Here is no Death, but what your Eyes present:
O may they reign, those Arbiters of Fate,
Immortal, as the Loves that they create.
We know the Cause of this prepost'rous Grief,
And we shou'd pity, were there no Relief.
