Page:Poems upon Several Occasions.djvu/215

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The British Enchanters.

Love inviting,
Souls uniting;
Enjoy the Blessing
Of sweet Possessing,
Free from Care;
Happy Pair.

Chorus Singing and Dancing.

Be true, all ye Lovers, whate'er you endure;
Tho' cruel the Pain is, how sweet is the Cure!
So divine is the Blessing,
In the Hour of Possessing,
That one Moment's obtaining
Pays an Age of Complaining.
Be true, all ye Lovers, whate'er you endure;
Tho' cruel the Pain is, how sweet is the Cure!

[Here enter two Parties from the opposite Sides of the
Theatre, with Lances in their Hands, marching to
a Warlike Measure of Trumpets, &c. Then run a
Tilt, and having broken or quitted their Lances,
form divers Combats with Sword and Buckler. The
Conquerors dance a Measure, expressing their Joy
for Victory.