Page:Poems upon Several Occasions.djvu/216

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The British Enchanters.

CHORUS to the Dance.

Amadis is the Hero's Glory,
Of endless Fame a lasting Story:
Amadis is the Hero's Glory.

Oriana is the Queen of Pleasure,
A Light of Love, to shine for ever;
Oriana is the Queen of Pleasure.

[The Entertainment concludes with variety of Songs
and Dances, after which the Company rise and come

Amad. So Phœbus mounts triumphant in the Skies,
The Clouds disperse, and gloomy Horror flies;
Darkness gives place to the victorious Light,
And all around is gay, and all around is bright

Ori. Our present Joys are sweeter for past Pain;
To Heav'n, and Love, by Suff'ring we attain.

Urg. Prophetick Fury rowls within my Breast.
And as at Delphos, when the foaming Priest
Full of his God, proclaims the distant Doom
Of Kings unborn, and Nations yet to come:
My labouring Mind so struggles to unfold,
On British Ground, a future Age of Gold:
But lest incredulous you hear———behold.

[Here a SCENE represents the Queen and all the
Triumphs of her Majesty's Reign.
