Page:Poems upon Several Occasions.djvu/217

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The British Enchanters.

High on a Throne appears the Martial Queen,
With Grace sublime, and with Imperial Mien,
Surveying round her with impartial Eyes,
Whom to protect, or whom she shall chastise.
In ev'ry Line of that auspicious Face
Soft Mercy smiles, adorn'd with ev'ry Grace.
So Angels look, and so, when Heav'n decrees,
They scourge the World to Piety and Peace.

Empress, and Conqueror, hail! Thee, Fates ordain
O'er all the willing World, sole Arbitress to reign:
To no One People are thy Laws confin'd,
Great Britain's Queen, but Guardian of Mankind.
Sure Hope of all who dire Oppression bear,
For all th' Opprest become thy instant Care.
Nations of Conquest proud, Thou tam'st, to free;
Denouncing War, presenting Liberty;
The Victor to the vanquish'd yields a Prize,
For in thy Triumph, their Redemption lyes;
Freedom and Peace, for ravish'd Fame, you give;
Invade to bless, and conquer to relieve.
So the Sun scorches, and revives by Turns,
Requiting with rich Metals, where he burns.

Taught by this great Example to be just,
Succeeding Kings shall well fulfill their Trust;
Discord and War and Tyranny shall cease,
And jarring Nations be compell'd to Peace;
