Page:Poems upon Several Occasions.djvu/27

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Poems upon several Occasions.

Promiscuous Blessings to her Slaves assign’d,
And show’d the World that Beauty shou’d be kind.
Learn by this Pattern, all ye Fair, to charm;
Bright be your Beams, but without scorching warm.

Hellen was next, from Greece to Phrygia brought,
With much Expence of Blood and Empire sought;
Beauty and Love the noblest Cause afford
That can try Valour, or employ the Sword:
Not Men alone, incited by her Charms,
But Heav’n’s concern’d, and all the Gods take Arms.
The happy Trojan, gloriously possest,
Enjoys, and lets despairing Fools contest:
“Secure,” said he, “of that for which they fight,
Their be the Toil, and mine be the Delight;
Your dull Reflections, Moralists, forbear,
His Title’s best, who best can please the Fair."
Ten Years, a noble Space! he kept his Hold;
Nor lost, ’till Beauty was decay’d and old,
And Love by long Possession ’pall’d and cold.

And now the Gods, in pity to the Cares,
The fierce Desires, Divisions, and Despairs
Of tortur’d Men, while Beauty was confin’d,
Resolv’d to multiply the charming Kind.
Greece was the Land where this bright Race begun,
And saw a thousand Rivals to the Sun;
