Page:Poems upon Several Occasions.djvu/28

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Poems upon ſeveral Occassions.

Hence follow’d Arts, each studying with Care,
some new Production to delight the Fair.
To bright Egeria, Socrates retir’d;
His Wisdom grew; but as love inspir’d:
Those Rocks and Oaks that such Emotions felt,
Were cruel Maids, whom Orpheus taught to melt:
Musick and Songs, and ev’ry way to move
The ravisht Heart, were Seeds and Plants of Love.

The Gods entic’d by so divine a Birth,
Descend from Heav’n, to this New-Heav’n on Earth.
Thy Wit, o Mercury, ’s no Defence from Love;
Nor, Mars, thy Target; nor thy Thunder, Jove.
The mad Immortals, in a thousand Shapes
Range the wide Globe; some yield, some suffer Rapes;
Invaded, or deceiv’d, not one escapes:
The Wife, tho’a bright Goddess, thus gives place
To mortal Concubines of fresh Embrace:
By such Examples, were we taught to see
The Life and Soul of Love is sweet Variety.

In those first Times, ere charming Womankind
Reform’d their Pleasures, polishing the Mind,
Rude were their Revels, and obscene their Joys,
The Broils of Drunkards, and the Lust of Boys:
Phœbus laments for Hyacinthus dead;
And Juno jealous, storms at Ganymed.
