Page:Poems upon Several Occasions.djvu/29

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Poems upon several Occasions.

Return, my Muse, and close that odious Scene,
Nor stain thy Verse with Images unclean:
Of Beauty sing, her shining Progress view,
From Clime to Clime the dazling Light pursue,
Tell how the Goddess spread, and how in Empire grew.
Let others govern or defend the State,
Plead at the Bar, or manage a Debate;
In lofty Arts and Sciences excell,
Or in proud Domes employ their boasted Skill,
To Marble and to Brass such Features give,
The Metal and the Stone may seem to live;
Describe the Stars, and Planetary Way,
And trace the Footsteps of Eternal Day:
Be this, my Muse, thy Pleasure and thy Care,
A Slave to Beauty, to record the Fair;
Still wand’ring in Love’s sweet delicious Maze,
To sing the Triumphs of a heav’nly Face,
Of lovely Dames, who with a Smile or Frown
Subdue the Proud, the suppliant Lover crown;
From Venus down to Mira bring thy Song,
To thee alone such tender Tasks belong.

From Greece to Africk Beauty takes her Flight,
And ripens with her near Approach to Light:
Frown not, ye Fair, to hear of swarthy Dames
With radiant Eyes, that take unerring Aims;
