Page:Poems upon Several Occasions.djvu/65

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Poems upon several Occasions.

As the Wax melts that to the Flame I hold,
So may she melt, but never more grow cold;
Pliant and warm may still her Heart remain,
Soft for the Print, but ne'er turn hard again.
Tough Ir'n will yield, and stubborn Marble run,
And hardest Hearts by Love are melted down.
Begin, begin, the mystick Spells prepare,
Bring Myra back, my perjur'd Wanderer.
As with impetuous Motion whirl'd apace,
This magick Wheel still moves, yet keeps its place,
Ever returning: So may she come back,
And never more th' appointed Round forsake.
Begin, begin, the mystick Spells prepare,
Bring Myra back, my perjur'd Wanderer.
Diana, hail! all hail! Most welcome Thou,
To whom th' infernal King and Judges bow;
O thou who canst the Pow'rs of Hell perswade,
Now try thy Charms upon a faithless Maid.
Hark! the Dogs bark! She comes, the Goddess comes:
Sound, sound aloud, and beat our brazen Drums.
Begin, begin, the mystick Spells prepare,
Bring Myra back, my perjur'd Wanderer.
How calm's the Sky! how undisturb'd the Deep!
Nature is hush'd, the very Tempests sleep,
The drowzy Winds breathe gently thro' the Trees,
And silent on the Beach repose the Seas:
Love only wakes: The Storm that tears my Breast
For ever rages, and distracts my Rest:

D 3
O Love!