Page:Poems upon Several Occasions.djvu/66

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Poems upon several Occasions.

O Love! Relentless Love! Tyrant accurst!
In Desarts bred, by cruel Tygers nurst!
Begin, begin, the mystick Spells prepare,
Bring Myra back, my perjur'd Wanderer.
This Ribban that once bound her lovely Waste,
O that my Arms might gird her there as fast!
Smiling she gave it, and I priz'd it more,
Than the rich Zone th' Idalian Goddess wore.
This Ribban, this lov'd Relick of the Fair,
So kiss'd and so preserv'd——Thus, thus I tear,
O Love! why dost thou thus delight to rend
My Soul with Pain? Ah why torment thy Friend!
Begin, begin, the mystick Spells prepare,
Bring Myra back, my perjur'd Wanderer.
Thrice have I sacrific'd, and prostrate thrice
Ador'd: Assist, ye Pow'rs, the Sacrifice.
Who-e'er he is, whom now the Fair beguiles
With guilty Glances, and with perjur'd Smiles,
Malignant Vapours blast his impious Head,
Ye Lightnings scorch him, Thunder strike him dead,
Horror of Conscience all his Slumbers break,
Distract his Rest, as Love keeps me awake;
If marry'd, may his Wife a Helen be,
And curst and scorn'd, like Menelaüs he.
Begin, begin, the mystick Spells prepare,
Bring Myra back, my perjur'd Wanderer.
These pow'rful Drops thrice on the Threshold pour,
And bathe with this enchanted Juice her Door,
