Page:Poetical Works of the Right Hon. Geo. Granville.djvu/101

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Her eyes grow dim, and her corrupted breath,
Tainting her gums, insects her ivory teeth:
Of ſharp nocturnal anguiſh ſhe complains,35
And, guiltleſs of the cauſe, relates her pains.
The conſcious huſband, whom like ſymptoms ſeize,
Charges on her the guilt of their diſeaſe,
Affecting fury, acts a madman’s part;
He ’ll rip the fatal ſecret from her heart!40
Bids her confeſs, calls her ten thouſand names;
In vain ſhe kneels, ſhe weeps, proteſts, exclaims:
Scarce with her life ſhe ’ſcapes, expos’d to ſhame,
In body tortur’d, murder’d in her fame,
Rots with a vile adultereſs’s name;45
Abandon’d by her friends, without defence,
And happy only in her innocence.
Such is the vengeance the juſt gods provide
For thoſe who barter liberty for pride;
Who impiouſly invoke the pow’rs above50
To witneſs to falſe vows of mutual love.
Thouſands of poor Cleoras may be found;
Such huſbands and ſuch wretched wives abound.
Ye guardian Pow’rs! the arbiters of bliſs,
Preſerve Clarinda from a fate like this:55
You form’d her fair, not any grace deny’d,
But gave, alas! a ſpark too much of pride:
Reform that failing, and protect her ſtill;
O ſave her from the curſe of chuſing ill!