Page:Poetical Works of the Right Hon. Geo. Granville.djvu/102

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Deem it not envy, or a jealous care,60
That moves theſe wiſhes, or provokes this pray’r.
Tho’ worſe than death I dread to ſee those charms
Allotted to ſome happier mortal’s arms,
Tormenting thought! yet could I bear that pain,
Or any ill, but hearing her complain:65
Intent on her, my love forgets his own,
Nor frames one wiſh but for her ſake alone.
Whome’er the gods have deſtin’d to prefer,
They cannot make me wretched bleſſing her.69



While Phyllis is drinking, Love and Wine in alliance,
With forces united, bid reſiſtleſs defiance;
By the touch of her lips the wine ſparkles higher,
And her eyes by her drinking redouble their fire.


Her cheeks glow the brighter, recruiting their colour,5
As flowers by ſprinkling revive with freſh odour;
Each dart dipp’d in wine gives a wound beyond curing,
And the liquor, like oil, makes the flame more enduring.


Then, Phyllis! begin, let our raptures abound,
And a kiſs and a glaſs be ſtill going round;10
Relieving each other our pleaſures are laſting,
And we never are cloy’d, yet are ever a-taſting.12